Bluestem Nurseryhardy field grown plants

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Salix (Willow) Stems at Bluestem Nursery

Salix (Willow)

Salix caprea 'Select'

Salix caprea 'Select' - Pussy Willow, Goat Willow
Salix caprea 'Select'
Goat Willow, Pussy Willow

Salix caprea 'Select' - Goat or French Pussy Willow, Great Sallow

This is one of the larger willows not associated with water. The natural habitat is the woodland edge and in the lowlands. In early spring, goat willow or great sallow produces an abundance of nectar and pollen on the many fat catkins (see them developing at the leaf junctions in the picture). Bees are greatly attracted to these catkins. This is one of the famous pussy willows of the floral trade.

Description: large shrub or small tree; 6-9 m (20-30'); reddish-brown new growth; leaves broadly elliptic or obovate, grey-green

Conditions: full sun to light shade; drought tolerant; widely adaptable

Coldest zone: 3 (find your zone; further info on plant hardiness)


Comparison of willow stems and leaves

Lists of various willow uses