Bluestem Nurseryhardy field grown plants

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Ornamental grasses at Bluestem Nursery


Valeriana officinalis

Valeriana officinalis
Garden Heliotrope

Valeriana officinalis - Garden Heliotrope, Common Valeriana

It is always a pleasure for us to fill an order for Valeriana. All parts of this plant have a sweet odour.

Luckily it grows well in most areas. We give our plants a deep drink once a week and it produces lots of white flowers. In dry soil it just does not grow as tall.

The best specimens are found in wet meadows. This plant can self-sow freely, so scratch out any unwanted seedlings before they take hold. Another method to reduce unwanted seedlings is to cut off the spent flowers before they set seed.

Besides the sweet smell, and great display of white floweres, its other outstanding feature is that it has a lengthy bloom period, starting to bloom in May and continuing into August!

Ideal conditions: wide range of soil and conditions from sun to part shade; moist or dry

Ideas and companions:

Flowers: 150 cm (5'); fragrant; lavender to light pink or white, July through August; bees love them

Coldest zone: 4 (find your zone; further info on plant hardiness)

Season of interest: all but early spring

Notes: a widely variable species and very adaptable; can be vegetatively propagated; will self-sow easily